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Limb Volumes Professional Convert 5.0

Limb Volumes Professional Convert 5.0

Limb Volumes Professional Convert Publisher's Description

Software to automatically calculate, track, document and report limb volume changes in persons treated for limb edema and lymphedema. The software was "field-tested" by experienced therapists and nurses; it got rave reviews. Also, feedback from referring physicians and other health care providers has indicated that the printed/graphic reports of their patients progress has been extremely useful. They have recommended its use as a "gold-standard" for therapy progress documentation. LVP is the most widely used software for clinical and research-related edema and lymphedema volume assessments world wide. The NEWEST version (LVP5.0) has MANY added and upgraded capabilities in addition to the already extensive features of LVP4.0. Some of the major new features include the following. Ability to specify circumference measuring sites using any spacing along the limb including fixed segments or variable spacing. Ability to additionally compare proximal and distal limb sequential changes using any proximal-distal boundary. Option to automatically determine and report body mass index (BMI) and body surface area (BSA)and to easily incorporate scientifically validated hand and foot volumes as part of the overall limb volume assessment.

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